Local Utilities
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio - (800) 686 - PUCO (7826)
Find Utility Service Providers in Your Area:
Water, Sewer and Refuse Departments:
- Belle Center (Logan County Sewer District) (937) 843-3328
- Belle Center City Office (Street and Water) (937) 464-6012
- Bellefontaine (Water, Sewer and Trash) (937) 592-3561
- DeGraff City Office (937) 585-6632
- DeGraff Water Plant (937) 585-5874
- Huntsville Sewer (Logan County Sewer District) (937) 843-3328
- Huntsville City Office (937) 686-4300
- Kenton Water and Sewer 419-673-1324
- Lakeview Sewer (Logan County Sewer District) (937) 843-3328
- Lakeview Water and Light Office (937) 843-2851
- Logan County Sewer District (937) 843-3328
- Mount Victory Water & Sewer (937-354-2001
- Quincy Utilities (937) 585-5778
- Rushsylvania City Office (937) 468-9955
- Rushsylvania Water Department (937) 468-7014
- Russells Point Sewer (Logan County Sewer District) (937) 843-3328
- Russells Point Water Works (937) 843-2294 ext. 3
- Urbana Water & Sewer (937) 652-4315
- West Liberty City Office (937) 465-2716
- West Mansfield Utilities Office (937) 355-8070
- Zanesfield City Office (937) 593-0722
- AEP 800 (800) 672-2231
- AES Ohio (800) 433-8500
- Lakeview Electric (937) 843-2851
- Logan County Electric Cooperative (937) 592-4781
- Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative (888) 363-6446
- Pioneer Electric Cooperative (800) 762-0997
- Union Rural Electric (800) 642-1826
Natural Gas / Propane:
- CenterPoint Energy (800) 227-1376
- Columbia Gas (800) 344-4077
- Heiby Oil Company (937) 592-3906
- IGS Energy (937) 972-0382
- Moulton Gas (800) 858-1909
- Ohio Gas (888) 464-4642
- Sellers LP Gas (800) 891-0169
- Suburban Propane (800) 776-7263
Cable/Internet/Dish Providers:
- Brightspeed (833) 692-7773
- CT Comm (937) 653-4000
- CenturyLink (855) 706-8737
- Dish Network (800) 823-4929
- Peak Fiber (937) 599-7220
- Spectrum (855) 243-8892
- CT Communications (877)653-2216
- CenturyLink (855) 706-8737
- Spectrum (800) 892-4357